Almost every second child nowadays has braces on their teeth. Did you know that most dental problems in children start as early as seven years of age? For this reason, orthodontists recommend bringing the child for a dental examination by the time they turn seven. However, this does not imply that they will need braces. According to Dr. Ravneet Kaur- Taking the child to an orthodontist at an early age can help identify any signs of orthodontic problems and help with treatment in the future. She is a leading orthodontist and child dentist who has special expertise in performing the best braces treatment in Delhi. If you are a parent and are wondering if your child requires orthodontist treatment, you may not be sure what signs to look for. 

Braces treatment in Delhi, Braces treatment cost in Delhi, Braces treatment in Gurgaon, Braces treatment cost in Gurgaon

This comprehensive guide will discuss a few signs and symptoms indicating that your child may need braces sooner rather than later. 

 How do I know if my child will need braces?

Here are the Signs Indicating That Your Child Requires Braces 

1. Crowded Teeth

When there is inadequate space in the mouth, your child's teeth may overlap or develop too close together, known as crowding. Crowding can lead to problems such as uncomfortable chewing or biting, mouth breathing, and irregular teeth alignment. It may also prevent your child from properly brushing and flossing, resulting in an excessive amount of plaque in their mouth and an increased risk of tooth decay. Braces can correct these problems by straightening the teeth and putting them in the proper position.

2. Spaces and Gaps in Teeth

It is completely normal for young children to have significant gaps between their baby (primary) teeth because they tend to be smaller than permanent teeth. However, if large spaces remain even after adult teeth have come through, braces might be recommended to close the gaps, especially if the child faces problems with speech or food trapping

3. Thumb Sucking

Most parents witness that thumb-sucking can be soothing for their child. However, if this habit continues even after adult teeth begin in the child’s mouth, it can change the jaw’s shape. This can cause the front teeth to protrude outward and cause speech problems such as lisping, trouble swallowing, or mouth breathing. Many children get over the habit of thumb-sucking between the age of 2-4. However, if it continues during the growth of adult teeth, you can seek the help of Dr. Ravneet Kaur, a leading orthodontist in Delhi, for an orthodontic treatment

4. Breathing Through Mouth 

If your child is a mouth-breather, it can change the shape of their face. Mouth breathing occurs due to the inability of the tongue to rest against the top of the mouth. This can cause the child to develop a narrow jaw without sufficient space for all teeth

5. Misaligned Jaw and Improper Bite

If the child has problems with their jaw and bite and their teeth are improper, they would require an orthodontic treatment. The common bite and jaw issues include the following: 

  • Overbite: When the upper teeth do not overlap properly with the lower teeth 
  • Underbite: When the lower teeth do not overlap properly with the upper teeth
  • Crossbite: When the teeth do not overlap correctly 
  • Open bite: When there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth even when the mouth is closed.

6. Problems With Speech

There are several things that can cause speech problems, but sometimes they happen due to misaligned teeth. If the child experiences difficulties saying certain words or struggles with speech, it could be time to seek orthodontic treatment

7. Difficulties in Chewing

Misaligned teeth can affect a child’s ability to eat correctly. If a child faces difficulty eating or biting their tongue or the insides of their cheeks, it could be because their teeth are crooked. In such a case, orthodontic treatment would be needed. 

8. Lost Baby Teeth Early

If your child loses teeth too early or is losing baby teeth due to tooth decay, they may require braces to prevent the remaining teeth from moving into the empty spaces. Braces treatment can help hold these spaces open so that development can continue normally.

9. Protruding Teeth

Protruding teeth, or “buck teeth” can be a sign of bite alignment issues. However, to correct this dental concern, the child would require braces

How Much Do Braces Cost? 

Dental treatments are considered less costly when performed at the right time. If done years later, they can lead to other severe dental concerns, making the treatment more expensive. The braces treatment cost in Delhi offered by expert orthodontist Dr. Ravneet Kaur ranges between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 1,40,000. This varies from patient to patient and depends on factors such as type of braces, severity of case, equipment used, dental materials, treatment duration, and many more. 

Who is a good orthodontist?

If you suspect that your child has oral development issues and requires braces treatment, you can seek help from Dr. Ravneet Kaur, a popular dental expert and orthodontist, at Smiles By Dr. Ravneet dental clinic. The expert orthodontist will examine your child’s mouth, diagnose any oral health issues, and create a customized treatment plan according to their unique needs. 

To get more details on tooth straightening treatments, visit Smiles By Dr. Ravneet dental clinic now!

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