Invisalign Dental Treatment: Pros and Cons


Invisalign is a brand of clear teeth straighteners used, as an alternative to metal braces, for correcting orthodontic issues. It is designed for kids, teens, and adults to straighten their smiles and fix their bite problems. The different orthodontic issues that Invisalign can treat are gapped teeth, deep bites, buck teeth, open bites, crooked teeth, or misaligned/irregular teeth. 

However, even with technological advancements, Invisalign may not be the best option for every orthodontic patient. Just like every other treatment, Invisalign in Gurgaon, too has some pros and cons. This blog talks about all of them and the information is shared by an orthodontist, Dr. Ravneet Kaur.


Pros of Invisalign treatment


  • Invisalign is almost invisible- Invisalign is a clear set of aligners that can help straighten teeth without others even noticing them. Therefore, it’s perfect for all self-conscious patients, public figures, or celebrities.   

  • No dietary restrictions- With Invisalign, the patients don’t have to sacrifice their favorite foods or drinks. They can even have hard, sticky, or crunchy foods by just removing their aligners.


  •  Easy to maintain good oral hygiene- Brushing and flossing with braces is difficult and can lead to consequences like swollen gums, cavities, or permanent white scars on the teeth. 

However, with Invisalign treatment, the patients can normally brush and floss their teeth by removing the aligners. The clear aligners do not have any brackets or wires to trap food.


  • Quick and few dental appointments- Traditional braces need a lot of manual work and adjustments later on. The orthodontists have to continue their maintenance by carrying out their frequent check-ups and even repairs. However, in Invisalign treatment, most of the time-taking procedures are not there. An average Invisalign treatment takes just 10 minutes while braces take 20-40 minutes. 

Furthermore, Invisalign patients are asked to re-visit the orthodontist only once every 10-12 weeks. With fewer return dental visits and shorter appointment times, patients can save time and avoid taking many leaves from school or work.

  • Minimal discomfort and Irritation- New metal braces can cause some discomfort as the cheeks adapt to them and toughen up. Patients with braces can expect sore teeth and even cutting of inner cheeks, a few days after they receive braces treatment. Invisalign treatment does not cause issues like poking wires and broken brackets. Hence, they are comfortable to wear.


Cons of Invisalign treatment


  • Nothing happens if the patient doesn’t wear it- To make Invisalign treatment effective, the Invisalign aligners should be worn 21 hours a day. This means the patients must be self-motivated and disciplined in wearing Invisalign aligners all the time except while they brush/floss their teeth or eat/drink anything. If aligners are not worn as instructed by the provider, here are a few things that can happen:


  • The treatment would end up longer.

  • The patients would start experiencing sore teeth and discomfort, worse than the braces.

  • The treatment outcome would not be as ideal even after paying the same amount as another patient who got better results.

  •  Some of the teeth and bite issues do not get fixed.


  • It’s not meant for frequent snackers or sippers- The patients need to take out their clear aligners, to eat or drink anything besides clear water. That’s because the food particles can stick to aligners and cause yellowing or discoloration. Ultimately, the patient could suffer from cavities or gum disease. Moreover, after eating or drinking anything, the patients have to clean their teeth thoroughly and then place back the Invisalign. Thus, people having habits of repeated snacking or sipping will not be able to enjoy the benefits of Invisalign treatment.


  • It’s difficult to correctly pronounce certain words- The patients would need to practice speaking with Invisalign aligners. Mostly, they require a couple of days to adapt and resolve any speech problems within a week of getting Invisalign.  


  • It’s harder to fix certain tooth and bite issues- Although the majority of orthodontic issues can be treated with Invisalign treatment. It is not easy to treat severe tooth and bite problems. For phase 1 orthodontic treatment, Invisalign First may or may not be the right choice for the kids.

One can consult orthodontist in Gurgaon, Dr. Ravneet Kaur for a thorough evaluation of teeth and bite and subsequently know whether Invisalign is best suited for them or not. This must be done before making the final decision and going ahead with Invisalign treatment.


Consult Dr. Ravneet Kaur to learn more about this amazing treatment!


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